General Program Schedule

Year Semester Modules
1 1 Principle of Anatomy Principle of Histology& Cells Biology Principle of Physiology Principle of Biochemistry PPC1 Early Clinical Skills Basic English  
2 Principle of pathology Principle of Parasitology Principle of Pharmacology Principle of Microbiology Infection & Host Defense Professionalism 1 Elective 1 (NM)
2 3 Forensic Medicine Clinical Toxicology CVS 1 CNS 1 Behavioral Sciences Research Methodology1 Elective 2  
4 Endocrinology 1& Reproductive Nutrition & Metabolism Special Senses 1 Urinary system Medical Genetics      
3 5 Locomotor system1 Respiratory system1 Hematology 1 GIT 1 PPC2 Elective 3    
6 Special Senses 2 (ENT) Special Senses 3 (Ophthalmology) Community Medicine Medical Informatics Medical Ethics Research Methodology2 Patient Safety Elective 4
4 7 Medicine 1 Medicine 2            
8 Pediatrics Clinical Epidemiology& Biostatistics Family medicine Evidence based Medicine Elective 5      
5 9 Surgery 1 Emergency medicine Professionalism 2 Research Project        
10 Surgery 2 Obs & Gyn Elective 6        

♦ College offers 4 sets of optional courses
♦ The student selects six elective courses throughout the five levels of a list approved by the College Council before the start of the study. Each course has three approved points, one of which is free of non-medical courses at the first academic level, as well as five other electives from the groups available during the study. Shown in the detailed table from within the same set of elective courses
a. Calendar by calculation method:
1. The student's performance in the courses will be evaluated by calculating the grades and percentages for each course and for each semester and year in the usual way.
B. The calendar calculates the averages:
1. The degree obtained by the student shall be converted into an estimate in letters, which shall be equal to a number of points of five as follows: